Printed Coasters Are Recyclable

Worry, not!

Did you know that we recycle all coasterboard AKA pulpboard for bar coaster printing? Yes, it's 100% recyclable, no need to throw it in the dumpster. Put that scrap in the recycling bin!

Sustainably harvested

Did you also know that our coasterboard (AKA pulpboard) comes from sustainably managed forests? Our suppliers plant >1 tree for every tree cut, so that the population of CO2-sucking spruce trees never dwindles. Frankly, these forestry / mill producers rely on repopulating cut forests otherwise their businesses would go under. But hey, we'll take a sustainability win when we can get it!

Print Quality

Why not buy printed drink coasters from us today? Start with a small batch. We are the best option as not everyone uses earth-friendly materials or processes. Plus our coaster prices are really, really low. Who else charges 6 cents a coaster for 250,000 coasters? Check us out!

How long do coasters last at the bar?

Our drink coasters will last up to 5-10 uses. It really depends on the bar tender if we're being transparent with you. It also depends if they stay dry or get sopping wet. If you have a country club or white linen operation they will probably get more uses than a Friday night mud wrestling basement tavern. Nothing against Friday night mud wrestlers. Yes, this is an "Old School" reference if you have seen the movie. 

Thank you for reading

Let us know if you have any questions, aight?! Thanks for reading.